The Chinese Communist (CCP) have decided on a path of military and economic global aggression, which we must stop, and Push Back. Taiwan (ROC) is the only legitimate sovereign ruler of all China, is our best forward resource for ultimate victory that includes ending Marxist-Leninist Indoctrination.

Trump For Hero in the Christian Church of The Anglican (Episcopal) Communion because of results like this nine points:

Website Rotation Page #64 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series, please also see Trump for Hero of The Episcopal-Anglican Communion: –  in the President Donald J. Trump Greatest Successes Series Category: 

  1. Trump Helped Our Friends Like Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and some friendly Arab Nations.
  1. Fought Slavery and won that fight in Syria where Democrats let actual Slave Markets get established before Republicans came back to shut them down.  Democrats’ Red Line on WMD is a lie.
  1. Denied Socialist and Climate People resources and prestige
  1. Fought The Virus the Best He Could, and Achieved Historic Good Results For Us All.
  1. The Virus has adapted since then, and Democrats need to adapt with it.
  1. Worked to get us better energy supplies
  1. Fought Human Trafficking, Slavery, Organized Crime Cartels & Supported Law Enforcement Like No Other President
  1. Made Reforms for Veterans that Secretary Wilkie Described as a Renaissance at the Veteran’s Administration, Saving Lives
  1. Lowered Taxes
  1. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize facilitating Arab-Israeli peace and commerce to help improve lives and security.


Mission Statement:

Please recognize my request with cause too immortalize President Donald Trump as a Hero in the Christian Church of The Anglican Communion for his anti-slavery successes, saving military Veteran’s lives, rapid virus vaccine deployment, historic Middle East Peace that opened Arab-Israel commerce, and earned him a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination.

Once you overcome the leftist media hysteria the choice is obvious for Trump,

and besides being a credible Hero, this will help educate the public about the unique success and historic results of the Trump Presidency.

An example our people and political leaders may aspire too, made that much more possible by immortalizing the man as one of our Heros in the Christian Church of The Anglican Communion.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter


Destroy The Organized Crime Cartels, Indict the Democrat Crime Alliance, Climate People & Socialist

Website Rotation Page 63 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series:

  1. Lobbying For Resources for You. Law Enforcement, Litigation(s), Campaigns & Elections for example.
  1. Democrat Fund Raisers in Organized Crime Cartel Owned Mexico
    • Abundant False ID’s About Due to Increasing CCP Involvement
    • How are Democrats verifying they are in compliance with Citizen Only Fundraisers? Are there records?
    • Allies is not law enforcement, and there maybe money in it for you.
  1. Please provide requests and information to the reply webmail below, the Contact Us or the Allies PO Box 546, Vancouver, WA  98666


Mission Statement:

The Organized Crime Cartels are an insidious detriment to our civilization.

I need you to dismantle, and destroy the Organized Crime Cartels wherever you encounter them.  This is a legislative mission, so I’ll lobby for resources to help you.

Communicate with me for what you need.

Please, for example, think in terms of prison or jail space, court costs, law enforcement, military support, intelligence support, election fund raising violations by the organized crime cartels, et cetera … .

The cartels are getting involved in opposition politics in the USA, and taking the side of the Democrats.  It’s curious & coincidental that Democrats would hold Fund Raisers in Organized Crime Cartel controlled Mexico where Only USA Citizens are allowed to Donate.  Donating where law enforcement is finding False Identification documents from the CCP in the Tens-of-Thousands.

The depth of organized crime cartel support is unknown too me, and the FBI is being particularly vague in their announcing that there is widespread Organized Crime Cartel involvement throughout the USA at this point.

Whatever info we get is secure and confidential.  Allies does want to have the initiative and your info could make a difference, the Cartels are an evil and depraved presence that we must mitigate.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter


Unified Effort to End Organized Crime Cartels

Website Rotation Page 62 of 64      

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series: 

  1. Unify 40 USA States
    1. Conservative, Fact Based and Republicans
    2. Amendments Convention to Steer USA Policy[i]
  1. Cooperation Among 160 Nations that Episcopal-Anglicans Populate
    1. Let there be No Ground for the Cartels or the Democrat Leaders that empower them, let neither be allowed among us in any of our communities globally
    2. Military Intervention into Mexico, Make Mexico Safe & Legal[ii]
  1. Deregulate Law Enforcement
    1. All Law Enforcement & Guardsmen Authorized for Border Security, & Criminal Alien Mitigation


Allies Mission Priority:

Allies Core mission is the creation of an Export Nation USA, a production economy based on export revenue that provides services and goods at a For-Profit to emerging and allied nations. For mutual economic benefit.  A partner in prosperity globally.

The first priority has to be Republican Unity, followed close by devastating the Democrat Party and hopefully shutting them down.

Democrats have let the Organized Crime Cartels (OCC) get resources with Soft on crime, unscreened borders, human trafficking, slavery, radical drug policies, et cetera … .

The OCC is now a Democrat Party ally against Republicans.  This includes CCP controlled Organized Crime in alliance with Mexico, so Republicans face a kidnapping organ harvesting concern domestically.

This relationship appears to have come full circle with Democrats Fund Raising in Mexico where the OCC control 80%[iii] of that nation.

Making it absurd to believe Democrat Fund Raisers in Mexico are legitimate.  These are supposedly USA Citizen Only events, that is in compliance with USA Federal Campaign and Election Laws.  Please see the Legislative Blog Topic linked at Destroy The Organized Crime Cartels, Indict the Democrat Crime Alliance, Climate People & Socialist –

But Mexico is known to be saturated with Socialist Chinese made Fabricated ID’s, and CCP is good at that, and they know a lot about us down to the individuals habits.  Are there any records?  Please connect me to them at our secure contact info, and I’ve made a call for eyewitness accounts.

Organized Crime Cartels (OCC) are a detriment to civilizations globally, including each of us and most our friends.  And they have a Sanctuary Haven in Mexico, which we need to start thinking in terms of taking ground there and make it safe.

This mission will strive to lift regulations that restrict Local, State and Federal law enforcement from engaging the (OCC). Authorizing lethal outreach and arrest engagements across any jurisdictional lines or borders.

Especially critical are the USA National Border Security points like we see in Texas, in addition to mitigating the Criminal Alien presence in the interior of the USA.

Allies Strategic Mission’s Intent is to unify 40 USA States.  Too utilize State Laws, advocate for Federal Laws, achieve a consistent Republican Super-Majority in the Federal Senate, and enable an Amendments Convention to routinely meet too control the legislative terrain of the USA.

With unity in the USA, at least among the responsible States.

I would like to have a Phase Two where we legislatively influence globally among the 160 nations of Episcopal-Anglicans.

My kin should be able to help push back, degrade or even destroy everyone of the Climate people, Organized Crime Cartels, and Socialist.

Due to the reach of the internet this may not be a completely symmetrical progression.

Yet Allies mission objectives develop as they may, adapting with the problems we face, I believe we do need to ultimately be forming alliances.

In some instances strengthening alliances, re-tasking resources, building Influence, coordinating the Socialist China Boycott, and legislative efforts as each community and nation determine their sovereign needs, and how we can work together.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter

[i] These Links follow immediately here. Please see Legislative Blog Topic pages #16 & #17 of 64 on Strategy and 18 to 23 for topics, links here. That I believe we can get a convention, but it is a secondary initiative to pushing back and ending socialism and the climate crime spree.  The advantage of being legislative is that even a State’s policy office can peruse these topics, and make recommendations to make or change law.  So it has value to get as much of the agenda as possible in front of policy maker resources.

16, We Are Going Back to Water –

17, A Natural Gas Age, A Great Age for Humanity –

18, Amendments Convention Intro Comments –

19, Senate Super Majority Strategy Ideas and Comments –

20, Abortion Rights –

21, Federal Immigration Laws Go Local –

22, Convention to Return Sovereignty Too Taiwan –

23, Regular Prosecution for Impeachments –

[ii] Please see rotation page #35 of 64 for related


[iii] Daniel Horowitz the Blaze June 3, 2019 Mexican government admits 80% of its populated territory is run by cartels, including key border areas


Indict The USA Democrats

Website Rotation Page 61 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series: 

  1. Democrats Are Unreliable, Untrustworthy & Will Not Back You Up 
  1. Democrats Have No Idea What Their Doing
    1. They’re Bad At Home,
      1. And They’re Bad For you
  1. Policies That Cause:
    1. Terrorist Funding, War Crimes, Organized Crime Cartel Advantages, Socialist Alliance, Slavery, Human Trafficking, Mass Rape, Murder, et cetera …
  1. Request for Eyewitness Accounts and Information, there may be $money$ in it for you. Reply Website Mail below and at the bottom of each Legislative Blog Topic page, our Contact Us, or Allies PO Box 546, Vancouver, WA  98666


Allies Advocacy Mission Statement:

I need your help.  The USA must dissolve our existing Left of Center Party and replace it with one that hasn’t had the taste of blood in opposition politics.

Independent Counsel Durham indictment of Sussman and showing us that Democrats utilize the most Sophisticated Federal Government surveillance capability in opposition politics.

This shows a literal conspiracy of Hillary Clinton’s Team to lie to the FBI in order to gain political advantage or Clinton’s creation of Russia-Gate that caused a Fabricated Mueller Investigation.  Yet we know the Socialist Chinese did interfere widely in the 2020 elections, there is no investigation to help us keep elections secure, and there is no sense of consequences with these people.

Democrats want the job security of absolute control of a voting district to maintain their political career, suggesting they don’t do as well in the private sector.  For example, Democrat Maxine Waters employs family with at least one Seven-Figure campaign advisor job.  So it does pay.

When Democrats run into what they consider is resistance on any level, which may only be a fact-based discussion on policy.  Democrats consider that to be dissent instead and not a discussion.

The Democrat is NOT reasonably open to debate, discussion or good ideas, and has nothing to offer us.  The Democrat is about causing harm to their opposition, does then moves to hurt, coerce, intimidate and escalate to murder.

This New England Democrat vs West Coast Republicans is simply because Democrats have no agenda and are very detrimental to civilization.  We see in Echelon Insight February 2021 Poll that Republicans make a difference, while Democrats only vilify Republicans[i].

I need you to indict Democrat leadership and known supporters wherever you are able. There are many valid legal theories for this, and I hope you find inspiration on the website rotation pages, and other content.

The best legal misdeed I see is the lack of Security at Borders problem that Democrats are at fault for, because you are looking at least at Democrats organized crime support that directly affects our communities globally, vast murders, Terrorist funding, et cetera … .

These crime organizations are global and affect your communities.

Democrat policies fund the organized crime cartels around the USA, yet they are global criminal organizations, and there appears to be increasingly cozy relations with organized crime and the Democrats from Socialist China too Mexico to California & Oregon.

Please see related Legislative Blog Topics:

#27 Special Forces Actionable Analytics versus Democrats –

#28 Democrat’s Asymmetrical Warfare –

#29 Critical To Gut the Federal Bureaucracy –

#30 Democrats Reign of Terror: –

#10 Democrats Are the Party and A tradition of Slavery, Right Now not a Hundred Years Ago or Whatever –

Indicting Democrats is a mission priority solution too global problems, and additionally the Democrats have created an actual insurgency that is counter revolutionary to the American Revolution that we count on.

Please see Legislative Blog Topic linked here: Critical To Gut the Federal Bureaucracy – ; Whether you are an Episcopal-Anglican or concerned citizen, we need to be taking down the organized crime cartels, ideas on Legislative Blog Topic page: Organized Crime Cartel Involvement In Political Opposition & Democrats Attacks vs Republicans: – Part of the Security at Borders Series.

Please do recognize that the organized crime cartels are profiteers and Mercenaries, that the Democrat’s aspirations are not far behind.  I would get innovative on interrogations: info has value here.  Please try to move it up the Totem Pole.

Allies may be helpful.  We are not law enforcement.  There maybe money in for you, when you make tips.  See the bullet point intro at the top for contact information.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter

[i] From Echelon Insights (Insights Data Management) Poll: Republicans Are Concerned About Real Issues, Democrats Concerned With Political Opposition FEBRUARY 24, 2021 By Tristan Justice at The Federalist


Democrats Damage Humanity for Fool Impeachment Attempts on a legitimate Republican President,

Website Rotation Page 60 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series: 

  1. The Criminal Democrat in The Open,
  1. Democrat’s Impeachment Obsession
    • Star Chamber Style No Less!
    • Counter-Revolutionary, Going Back to Pre-Revolutionary Europe!
    • What was Adam Schiff’s Sovereign Defense Immunity About?
    • Is there a crown involved with the Congressman?
      • Request for comment & analysis, there maybe $money$ in it for you.
      • Please utilize the Comment Reply web mail at the bottom of each page on these Legislative Blog Topic pages, the Contact Us, or Allies PO Box 546, Vancouver, WA  98666
  1. Democrat Congress Opened the Door for the Virus
    • Then allowed the USMCA Upgrade of NAFTA To Cover Up their Irresponsible Behavior.


Allies Advocacy Mission Statement:

The virus attack by Socialist China against all of us globally may have been stopped by the USA Congress, Democrats had the info, Taiwan gave it too us.

Had Democrats been doing their oversite duty, that is a lot of Democrats’ actual job, lives could have been saved.

Democrats failed us, therefore millions were murdered in a Soviet Style Comprehensive National Power[1] Virus Attack.

About the Democrats’ Impeachment Obsession, that caused the distraction of that great USA Resource, the Congress. Democrats in the first place had no right to treat President Trump the way they did, NONE.  No authority to impeach where he was only doing his job.

The USA President is the chief law enforcement officer, and Biden was under investigation for suspicious Financial Transactions, Embezzlement, influence peddling, that we know of.

This was all about a phone call between the White House and Ukraine, and Democrat leadership was actually NOT going ahead with Impeachment because of that.

But Nancy Pelosi said she was getting uniformly mass calls daily to Impeach, regardless of.

Democrats shallow victory would have been thrown out by the Courts that refused to be involved in the Second impeachment to begin with, because Democrats co-mingled laws that are NOT meant to be used together, and there was NO INDICTMENT of any kind to impeach upon.

Democrats went into antiquity and threw-out our USA Constitutional Revolution, to bring back Star Chamber Style prosecution.  A prosecutor in search of a crime wherein fact today in the USA we go after crimes, and then their perpetrators.

That’s part of our Revolution.

The Democrats spent so much time working on impeachment that even legacy media started reporting that Democrats were missing oversite hearing obligations.  Democrats were trying to get home for Christman with the Treat of An Impeachment In Hand. This coincides with Democrats missing the virus first wave, and collaborating in the murder of millions of human beings.

Democrats passed up Regular Rule of Law Indictment(s) & Impeachment Due Process, because Democrats knew it would fail, because there was no crime and Trump in fact, was doing his job.  And after the Legacy Media got ahold of this story the Democrats conceived a coverup which involved finally passing a Trade Deal that made Trump look Great!

Democrats ended up passing the NAFTA (Canada/USA/Mexico trade agreement) upgrade USMCA to show they could chew gum and walk at the same time.

That was a 170,000 new jobs benefit to the USA that Democrats had thrown under the bus because it would make Trump look good.

Democrats via Obama had even gone on record that they had no idea what they were doing on Trade.  This is a pattern of Democrat malfeasant policy making, I’ll touch on it as much as I can.

And the Allies advocacy includes indicting the Democrat leadership on war crimes, terrorist funding, murder and other high crimes I believe every Episcopal and Anglican can get behind.  When shown fact-based arguments.

The other issue is that Democrats never help us, and literally spend time working against us, and against the greater good of humanity.

On this improper and truly criminal impeachment matter against Donald Trump.

Essentially Democrats in their hate, and in their corruption made aggravated attacks against the legally and properly elected Executive as much as they possibly could.

Some will look back over time and realize the serious idiocy of Democrats simply meant that they aren’t ready for real success in their lives.  Screaming about change that benefits civilization. Success a Republican Swamp Disruptor like Donald J.

Trump tried to provide.  And yet with tremendous head winds succeeded in reducing slavery, human trafficking, saved lives at the VA, brought historic peace to the Arab Street, and the most results-oriented President in the History of the USA except possibly Lincoln for holding the Union together.

This Impeachment was actually the triggering event that brought a State’s Convention into Allies advocacy, something you would normally stay away from.  But it looks like about 40 States have some common ground for a Convention.

And I hope as we advocate against Socialist, for a large increase in export revenue to stabilize my nation, and advancing allied economies globally with USA For-Profit capability.

That the State’s legislative policy offices, my various presentations, and resources you provide will get the Allies agenda across the finish line, and help populations both here in the USA and in the allied abroad.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter


[1] If you can’t beat them legitimately, then you try to knock them. In the case of the CCP, they don’t mind mass murder.  July 13, 2021 American Thought Leaders with Gordon Chang on Chinese Drug Warfare, Military Buildup on the China-India Border, and the Crackdown on Didi. Jan Jekielek interviewing host & Sr. Epoch Times Editor

Elections Go Socialist’ Way, In The USA, really?

Website Rotation Page 59 of 64             

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series

  1. Congressional Democrats Impeachment Obsession
    1. Democrat Criminal Political Stunt
      1. Dems Co-Mingled Impeachment Law Therefore Courts would throw it out.
      2. Get a half-assed idea filed to appease the home base at Christmas Break
  1. Confirmed Communist Election Interference in USA
  1. Communist Claims Ownership of Biden, Manchurian Candidate yet in office
  1. Trump for Hero in the Christian Church of the (Episcopal) Anglican Communion.
  1. Afghanistan Fiasco, to Communist Chinese Benefit under Biden. Trump had USA-NATO in best position ever!


Allies Advocacy Mission Statement:

That the Socialist Chinese (CCP) interfered in the USA election, isn’t in dispute.

The USA Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe Confirmed this.

We know that the Socialist with military precision in 4 Swing States, and open canvassing in 7 States turned elections to Biden.

Yet there is no Congressional out cry, no election integrity investigation or committee hearings.

Escalating further in the wrong way, in fact, Democrats moved to Impeach Trump a second time when he was already out of office saying that they did this so that he can’t be re-instated or elected to office.  Instead of looking at serious election threats that pushed Republicans out of office.

These impeachments were introduced without outside indictment, and co-Mingled two Constitutional Amendments which means the Courts would throw it out if the Congress did expel a President that way.

Democrats’ deeds were simply a political stunt to appease the home crowd.

Please see Legislative Blog Topic Regular Prosecution for Impeachments – for some details and damages Democrats did with obsessing about Impeachment, and my article Trump for Hero of The Episcopal & Versus Democrats[1] showing cause and requesting that Trump be a Hero in the Christian Church of The (Episcopal) Anglican Communion. Some points on Legislative Blog Topic, linked here: Trump For Hero in the Christian Church of The Anglican (Episcopal) Communion because of results like this nine points: –

And please juxtapose Trumps’ historic and epic accomplishments to Bidens character and failings.   Biden appears to be on the take with Socialist China having taken money, and CCPs’ agent claims.

Biden is a man legitimately being investigated for embezzlement, and influence peddling.

Then after taking office Biden had our forces run away in the middle of the night from Afghanistan, without warning or consulting any of our NATO or local allies, leaving the Billion Dollar Bagram base for Socialist China.  Who had paid the Bidens and the CCP claims to control, a moron Manchurian Candidate that’s actually in office and carrying water for the communist.

And about $85-Billion in military equipment for the Socialist to reverse engineer, our best equipment, probably the largest International Trade Arms Regulatory (ITAR) violation in the history of the planet.

Trump had NATO in the best position since the war started, and Biden bizarrely blew that begging the question whose side is Biden on? Trump would of relocated that advanced military equipment to Pakistan, on the double-quick!

Biden escalating yet again on some political polarizing messaging that White Supremist are the number one national security threat when that is a minuscule population, and we have widespread CCP military facilities throughout the USA operating under cover as Confucius Institute.

These Socialist China (CCP) institutes are military facilities, operating People’s Liberation Army servers, and working to gain the favor of folks for the CCPs’ benefit.

This is the same CCP that has declared the USA is it’s enemy with designs to break up the USA.

Democrats are looking at criminal negligence by ignoring the actual problem and distracting the nation with some irrelevant political messaging.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter

[1] We Don’t Do Camps™ Pre-Launch Issue available soon at & on-line retailers for free, but please donate

Serious Criminal Problems with the USA Democrats,

Website Rotation Page 58 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series, with a Request for Info on USA Democrat Party alliances with Organized Crime Cartels

  1. Democrats Fund Raising in Mexico
    1. With confirmed CCP created ID’s in Vast Amounts in Mexico, and into the USA too.
      1. USA Citizen Only Fund Raisers
      2. Where are the records?
      3. Whose Keeping Them?
  1. Request for Eyewitness Accounts, there maybe $money$ in it for you. Please utilize the Comments Reply webmail at the bottom of each Legislative Blog Topic page, the Contact Us, or Allies PO Box 546, Vancouver, WA  98666


  1. Incite Violence, Democrat Leaders put their followers onto an All-Out War Footing to Destroy Republicans
    1. Federal Justice Department warned Democrats, this was dangerous.


Allies Advocacy Mission Statement:

Democrats pushed their base too far.

Democrats’ radicals and supporters now are going out of their way to go to far to achieve whatever they want.

Whether that’s backing the obvious climate crime spree or opposition politics that now involve organ harvesting Republicans, and Democrats new found Mexican Fund Raisers.  Bankrupt Democrat ideas stretch credulity with fund raisers in Mexico publicly stating it’s in compliance with Citizens Only Donations.  Yet with Tens of thousands of CCP created fake ID’s visa vi Mexico found by Border Patrol, it’s clear Mexico is NOT a secure fund-raising venue.  And in fact, that’s the last place you would want to legitimately fund raise.

Secondly, USA DOJ & AG Bill Barr outline that the Democrats militarized their people[i] and I say that resulted in dramatic aggression toward Republicans[ii]. Therefore, mitigation strategies in the Allies mission include my books, video packages, magazines, internet, and legislation that involve indicting Democrat Leaders & Supporters. Especially Democrat Fundraisers working with Organized Crime Cartels in Mexico!

And I would like each of our nations to be informed, and prepared to indict members and supporters of the USA Democrat Party when you encounter them.  In addition to the need to clean out the Organized Crime Cartels.  Their apparently in diabolical alliance.

It was after the 2016 USA elections that Democrats admitted they are a regional political party.  Apparently that self-reflection really upset them because since then Democrats have escalated along a long front of issues, from condoning violent demonstrations that include murder and arson, too spreading a sophisticated and well fed New York style vigilante element too intimidate voters, and employing Organized Crime Cartels too take out political opposition within the USA.

There is additional credible reporting that Democrats have committed dozens of political murders of Republicans, assassinations.  I discuss a dangerous infiltration of government, including on Legislative Blog Topic page:  An Intervention, New York City’s Detriment to Humanity: – with an initiative to rout it, and example analytics that prove the Democrat is a criminal infiltration in civilization.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter


[i] Former Attorney General William P. Barr Delivers the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture at the Federalist Society’s 2019 National Lawyers Convention Washington, DC Friday, November 15, 2019 Department of Justice of the United States, Justice News


Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called “The Resistance,” and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver available to sabotage the functioning of his Administration.  Now, “resistance” is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power.  It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate.  This is a very dangerous – indeed incendiary – notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic.  What it means is that, instead of viewing themselves as the “loyal opposition,” as opposing parties have done in the past, they essentially see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.  – DOJ release on Federalist Society Speech where it has Stanza “A”


[ii] From an Echelon Insights Poll: Republicans Are Concerned About Real Issues, Democrats Concerned With Political Opposition FEBRUARY 24, 2021 By Tristan Justice at The Federalist

The Unreliable Democrat

Website Rotation Page 57 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series:

Mission Statement:

Democrats like we’ve seen in Barack Hussain Obama & Joseph Biden do not back us or our allies globally.  It’s not only a lack of spine with no red line that stuns allies, just look at Afghanistan is the most atrocious NATO disaster in our history, the Biden Administration did not even consult NATO leaders, had USA forces leave literally in the middle of the night with local Afghanistan and NATO resources waking up to our absence.

Then Ukraine is left to fend for itself when given guarantees in the Budapest Memorandum among other agreements that we would help against Russian aggression in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons on Ukrainian Ground.

And on the redline, Democrats stupidity and failure to engage causes NATO to break up unless an Armored Division is deployed in the Baltics. First time since the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Simply Democrats have no redline-spine even when they claim too, juxtaposed that fact too Donald J. Trump that he backs allies, including making demands against adversaries.

Specifically with the Ukraine on the Crimean War with Russia, where the USA agreed in the Budapest Memorandum to back Ukraine yet the Obama-Biden Democrat

Team and Leadership Refused too. Yet when the Republican’s came back into power, Republicans gave vast military capability to Ukraine.

And again today, with Democrats in-charge, our enemies are inspired too aggression.

For yet another example of Democrat impotence, Socialist China enters into an agreement with Iran a few months after a Republican President left, and Russia is massing to invade European Ukraine.  Democrats are not helpful and murders in opposition politics here at home. Republicans are helpful for us.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter



Too The Episcopal & Anglican Communion, & Our Communities Globally,

Website Rotation Page 56 of 64

This is Part of the Allies Unity Series: 

  1. This is about Unity Among Us, To Reform Socialist China Without Firing A Shot, the CCP has decided to destroy the USA. I’m asking we stand together in this matter, and other issues related to the CCP’s operations.
  1. USA Democrats Are Untrustworthy, Dangerous & Negligent
  1. Please Help Indict USA Democrats
  1. Shutting Down the Organized Crime Cartels
    1. With these two Legislative Blog Topic links, Unified Effort to End Organized Crime Cartels – and The Organized Crime Cartels, Indict the Democrat Crime Alliance, Climate People & Socialist –
    2. Lobbying To Get Resources For you to shut down organize crime, communist, socialist, and Democrats
  1. President Donald Trump For Hero of the Episcopal-Anglican Church’s Communion, technically called the Christian Church of The Anglican Communion
    1. Help end the Left Media-Democrat-Socialist Hate
    2. Trump Ended Slavery, Saved Veteran Lives, Accelerated Virus Vaccines, Brought Real Middle East Peace
    3. Please see this Legislative Blog Topic for additional details, linked: Trump For Hero in the Christian Church of The Anglican (Episcopal) Communion because of results like this nine points: –


Advocacy Mission Statement:

I believe the world is a better place with a strong USA. Socialist China Disagrees.

Socialist China’s (CCP) policies have their military on the march, aspiring to Death Camps, and declaring the USA, a nemesis that the CCP is working to destroy.

I believe the USA is our greatest resource. We know Socialism is the road to ruin and desolation.  Socialism is a Thief, in Every Way.

A strong USA can help allies in disasters, have political clout to advance Democratic and Constitutional values globally, advocate for religious freedom, end poverty here and abroad as we in the USA transition into an export nation, increasing your economic capability, and even aid you against aggression.

Though the USA is a poor country with a large economy, with maybe 30% actual unemployment, half the nation in financial crisis, yet we seem to punch above our weight.

I believe as strong a friend that the USA is today for you, that with your support of the Allies Mission, that the USA can be much greater.

I need your help to achieve and maintain Allies goals outlined in our magazine We Don’t Do Camps™: For Republican Unity, my book One Episcopal Man vs Socialist China & Climate Change: Flashpoints and as you see issues discussed on website updates and Blogs.

I have too tell you that my country, the USA, is in trouble.  So I’ll be asking for help you can give, and trying to help fund your communities, too.

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter

Columbia River Basin Logistics & Benefits

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This is Part of the Pivot-To-The-Pacific Series:


  1. Specific & Detailed Plans For Our Pivot-To-The-Pacific included in my book One Episcopal Man vs Socialist China and Climate Change: Flashpoints
    • Includes Connecting Top Business States barge and ship
  • Clearing International Channels of Bridges & Installing Tunnels
  • Ocean Ships as far as Hood River, Oregon & Wine Country of A Phase One
    • Cheapest Electricity on Earth
    • Vast Business Site Options
    • Part of a larger strategy to connect and Guarantee Our Cities, please see We’re Going Back to Water
  1. Democrats Detriment is Limited to Portland, Oregon & a Few Counties
  1. Understand the Situation, a lifestyle without mobility prevents economic depth and homeownership actually, the ultimate result is ruined cities, and quite simply Democrat’s Evil Strategies make this reality

Allies is a Mission to Make the USA a Globally Competitive Export Nation in the belief that The Shot Heard Round The World, the American Revolution.  Is a Resource For Global Good, Ending Poverty in a For-Profit Way, and Creating a Great flowering of Humanity During this Ideal Climate Age

© 2023 Scott Schlatter