Entries by Lee Schlatter

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. While Republicans are Famous for Freeing Slaves

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. While Republicans are Famous for Freeing Slaves Again Republicans are famous for freeing slaves, economic advances, border security, & with Trump we saw 11 Anti-Slave Trafficking Laws & a real effort at border security. Please see endnotes on an Epsilon Insights study about serious Republicans and Democrats Hate […]

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. While Republicans are Famous for Freeing Slaves

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. While Republicans are Famous for Freeing Slaves Again Republicans are famous for freeing slaves, economic advances, border security, & with Trump we saw 11 Anti-Slave Trafficking Laws & a real effort at border security. Please see endnotes on an Epsilon Insights study about serious Republicans and Democrats Hate […]

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. While Republicans are Famous for Freeing Slaves

Democrats Slavery Tradition, is alive & well. Again Republicans are famous for freeing slaves, economic advances, border security, & with Trump we saw 11 Anti-Slave Trafficking Laws & a real effort at border security. Please see endnotes on an Epsilon Insights study about how serious Republicans are versus,  Democrats Only Hate Republicans. Therefore, Democrats wouldn’t […]

Allies Situation Report December 2023

Due to USA Democrat’s systemic interference with Allies, that has a depth, persistence, successes, and consistency, I need to create this report. These Yankee Democrats were misled by Lake Oswego-Portland Political Class-Retired Persons Constituency (PDX), when asked about me. I was well known with a State Funded National Security 308-page Stategic Develop Plan to create […]

Allies Afrikaner Situation Report June 2023:

Re:  Afrikaner Autonomous State, for a Pivot-to-the-Pacific at & around the USA-Columbia River Basin as far south as Northern California and All of Oregon. Important Directly Related Legislative Blog Topics 52, Create an Afrikaner Autonomous Zone, Part One – allies.biz 53, Afrikaner USA Autonomous Zone, Part Two – allies.biz 54, The incentives, Afrikaner USA Autonomous Zone, Part Three, – […]

A Boarding Pass:  To Abandon Portland & Lake Owego, Oregon We’ll Get You, Your Family, Your Business & People There Out.  To Safe Republican Ground.[i]

Contents: Standing Notice: Resources to operate Field Offices and an Operations Center have been intercepted and destroyed. I’m assured replacement funds are forthcoming, until Allies is Operational this program does not exist. So I simply pulled it from high visibility, but it’s internet so I need to make this update. There remains a need for […]

Trump For Hero in the Christian Church of The Anglican (Episcopal) Communion because of results like this nine points:

Website Rotation Page #64 of 64 This is Part of the Allies Unity Series, please also see Trump for Hero of The Episcopal-Anglican Communion: – allies.biz  in the President Donald J. Trump Greatest Successes Series Category:  Trump Helped Our Friends Like Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and some friendly Arab Nations. Fought Slavery and won that fight […]